Best 11 Face DIY Mask For Oily Skin (acne)
Oily skin is prone to acne and mostly looks dull, shiny with no fairness. When you apply any cream on the oily skin it looks even darker. In this post, we will share Best 11 Face DIY Mask For Oily Skin (acne) which you can prepare at home. These best natural packs also make the skin oil-free by controlling the excess oil. Excess oil is the primary cause of the bacterial infection along with dead skin cells which make way for overnight zits, acne, and pimples on oily skin.
1. Potato Juice and Turmeric Face Pack for Oily Skin
This effective turmeric face pack for oily skin can be made at home with potato juice and turmeric. Both of these are powerful skin lighteners. This pack for oily face helps a lot in getting fair skin fast at home. This treatment also reduces the darkness and redness of the acne marks and other blemishes like oil burns, insect bites, etc on the body. Here’s is its recipe.
- Take some potato juice, around one teaspoonful in a bowl
- Add one pinch of turmeric powder.
- Mix them and massage them on the face and the area where you wish to use them.
- After the massaging keep this oily skin pack for 30 minutes.
- Then, wash with plain water.
- This should be done 3 times a week.
- It’s the best face pack for the removal of dark spots and marks.
2. Mixed Fruit Face Pack for Oily Skin
Fruits are good for treating acne-prone oily skin. They are beneficial for marks on oily-acne-prone skin. Fruits are rich in Alpha Hydroxy acids which are good for attaining skin fairness. Fruits enzymes are considered excellent to lighten acne scars and marks.
- Take 2-3 fruit pieces, you can pick any seasonal fruits like banana, apple, papaya, guava, oranges, watermelon, etc.
- If you can find only one fruit then you can use tomato and lemon as the other two fruits.
- Mash the fruits into pulp and make a paste.
- Apply on the face and leave for half an hour.
- Wash with plain water.
- Just use this remedy regularly and notice the results.
- Clearly, it’s the best skin whitening face pack for oily skin.
3. Tomato Fairness Face Pack for Oily Skin
Oily skin can also be treated with tomato. Tomato is enriched with the goodness of lycopene and other skin lightening enzymes, therefore, its application makes the skin fairer naturally. This tomato pack for oily skin will also reduce the marks of your pimples.
- Take a tomato and cut it in half.
- Take the half portion and squeeze the juice out of it.
- Apply this juice on the face and gently with circular movements massage the face and neck for 5 minutes.
- Leave the juice on the face like a pack and wash it after 20 minutes.
- Do this every day and also expect to get rid of the sun tanning.
- It’s the best suntan for college students.
4. Fairness Face Pack for Oily Skin with Banana
We have shared some banana face packs earlier as well and this face pack is for combination to oily skin.
- Take a piece of banana and mash it.
- Add some honey and apply it to the pack on the face.
- Keep for 20 minutes and then wash off.
- It will make the skin dewy and glowy.
- With regular usage, this oily skin face pack will result in fairer skin.
5. Cinnamon Powder Anti Acne Face Pack for Oily Skin
This cinnamon face pack for oily skin is for those individuals, who are struggling with acne and marks. It has cinnamon which will reduce bacterial infection and helps to get rid of the pimples marks quickly.
Cinnamon has health benefits too. This is the process to make it:
- Take one teaspoonful of honey and a half teaspoonful of cinnamon powder.
- Mix them and apply them to the face.
- Keep for 15-20 minutes and then rinse the face-off.
- It also aids in the removal of whiteheads on the nose, forehead, etc
- It is the best pack for oily skin and pimple treatment.
Best 11 Face DIY Mask For Oily Skin (acne)

6. Nutmeg Powder and Milk Pack for Oily Skin and Blackheads
Nutmeg is great for inducing glow on your face and it removes marks, whiteheads, and blackheads from oily skin quite fast. This oily skin pack with nutmeg is ideal to keep your troublesome skin healthy.
- Take one teaspoonful of nutmeg powder in a small bowl.
- Add half teaspoonful of sandalwood powder.
- Make a paste of these with rose water.
- Apply on the face and let it dry.
- Wash after that.
- Do this daily.
- It’s the best face pack for oily skin for fairness.
7. Lemon Juice and Honey Face Pack for Oily Skin
Honey is considered a skin rejuvenator and good for making the skin supple. Whereas, lemon juice is widely known as great source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C makes your dark spotted skin glowing, healthy and helps in getting fairer glowing skin faster. To prepare this fair face pack for oily skin, follow the steps:
- Mix one teaspoonful of lemon juice with one teaspoonful of honey.
- Apply that on the face and massage it.
- Leave this for 20 minutes or more.
- Wash with normal water.
8. Sugarcane Juice Face Pack for Oily Skin
Oily skin needs care regularly. This beauty tip face pack with sugarcane is perfect for oily skin that needs glow and fair skin. It takes off the dead skin cells which make the skin dull. Therefore, by using this treatment, you can surely reveal a beautiful smoother complexion. Sugarcane juice has glycolic acid, making your dark and dusky complexion lighter.
- Take 2 teaspoonfuls of sugarcane juice in a bowl.
- Add one teaspoonful of sandalwood powder.
- Make a paste by mixing using a spoon.
- Take half teaspoonful of sugarcane juice and rub it on the face for 2 minutes.
- After that apply the oily skin face pack which you have prepared.
- Keep that for 20 minutes and then rinse off.
You can also read: 24 Best Benefits Of Olive Oil For Skin, Hair, And Health
9. Oatmeal and Lemon Juice Face Pack for Oily Skin

Oily skin can be gently scrubbed off for glow with an oatmeal face pack. Oatmeal is a gentle whole grain that is good for making skin softer and absorbing the extra grease and oils from the face. We are also putting lemon juice into this which will make the skin fair. Lemon is considered a skin-lightening agent.
- Take 2 teaspoonfuls of oatmeal or oatmeal powder.
- Mix it with some lemon juice to make a paste.
- If you’re using oatmeal, then keep them soaked in lemon juice for 5 minutes.
- This will make them soft and are easy to mash.
- Apply that paste and wash after 20 minutes.
10. Guava and Kiwi Face Pack for Oily Skin
Guava and kiwi both have a good amount of vitamin C which enhances the skin’s fairness. Both these fruits are good for making the skin glow. This fruit face pack helps remove sun tan from your tanned face and body. But you’ve to ensure that use it daily after you have come back home.
- Take one piece of kiwi and one piece of guava.
- Mash them into a pulp and apply them to the face.
- Let them soak into the skin for 20 minutes
- Then wash the face.
- It’s the best skin lightening and tan removal face pack for oily skin
11. Rose Petal Face Pack for Oily Skin fairness
Rose flower face pack is known to give a rosy glow to the face. Rose petals are good to give suppleness and youthfulness to your dull skin. This face pack for oily skin deeply nourishes the skin and makes the skin flawless.
- Take some rose petals and make a paste by crushing them.
- Add some yogurt to the rose petal paste.
- Add a pinch of turmeric powder too.
- Apply this on the face and wash after 20 minutes.
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Conclusion (Best 11 Face DIY Mask For Oily Skin (acne))
So, these are the best face mask(packs) for oily skin, acne-prone skin, for fairness, and glowing skin purposes. You can try them as per the requirement. But do remember to apply these regularly. which of them will you love to try out? Please share with us in the comment section.