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Castor Oil in Cameroon for Hair Growth and where to buy it

castor oil in cameroon

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For over three years working with solving hair issues, castor oil in Cameroon has been one of the oils I just can’t miss out on.

Castor oil is a very effective ingredient for hair growth because of its nutritional content. Castor oil contains Omega 6 and 9 essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and other vitamins and minerals that help your hair regain and maintain its health.

Castor oil has been used for over a hundred years for many things, but one of the most popular uses is castor oil for hair growth. Because of its natural benefits, castor oil is great for moisturizing and increasing hair growth.

This article well explain how to use castor oil for hair growth and go over its many other benefits and uses, Not forgetting how to get it in Cameroon.

castor oil in Cameroon

What makes castor oil good for hair growth?

Castor oil is a highly effective ingredient for hair growth because scientifically, castor oil contains proteins that help maintain hair health. Its antifungal and antibacterial elements are a very effective treatment for some infections in the scalp, infections like folliculitis which many people are now experiencing.

The high ricinoleic acid content found in castor oil also enhances blood circulation in the scalp which helps ensure the nourishment of hair follicles. Castor oil also supports the keratin in hair which makes it stronger, smoother, and beautiful because of the antioxidants in castor oil.

Castor oil is very well-known to increase hair growth, jump-start the regrowth of hair, and stop hair loss. This has been proven and tested already. By using castor oil on a regular basis, it will grow your hair about three to five times faster than the regular or average hair growth which is a ½ inch a month. Castor oil benefits for hair growth will be noticeable because it will also thicken the hair in a few months time. Castor oil also has the same effect on eyebrows and eyelashes.

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Shop  for your castor oil in Cameroon now

A.  Castor Oil Hair Benefits

Proper hair growth is not just about making the hair longer or thicker. It’s very important to consider not just the length but the health and nourishment of the hair and scalp as well. It’s recommended by many to use castor oil for hair growth because of its very effective results.

There are several benefits you can get from using castor oil on your hair, skin, and even consuming it. 9 Benefits of castor oil for hair are listed below:

1. Castor Oil Controls Hair Loss

Castor oil has ricinoleic acid that helps regulate the blood circulation in the scalp. It will make the follicle and scalp healthy. It will also protect your hair from microbes since castor oil will strengthen the roots and nourish the hair in and out.

2. Castor Oil Promotes Hair Growth

Ricinoleic acid constitutes 90% of the nutritional content of castor oil. Together with omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, vitamin E, and other vitamins and minerals, it enters the hair shafts and roots, providing the best nourishment of the hair. It will also make the hair healthy and maximize its growing performance. No one will question the effectivity of castor oil for hair growth once tested.

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Shop  for your castor oil in Cameroon now

3. Castor Oil Treats Dandruff

Castor oil’s antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial elements are a highly effective treatment for some infections in scalp and infections like folliculitis. It is also a good treatment to fight dandruff. The ricinoleic acid content of castor oil will make the scalp healthier and prevent dandruff by balancing the scalp’s pH. Using castor oil for hair will surely solve people’s dandruff problem.

4. Castor Oil Minimizes Split Ends

Applying castor oil will help repair the hair damage by filling in the damaged spots in keratin and rebuilding the structure of the hair. It boosts hair’s tensile strength, preventing the hair from breakage or splitting. Using castor oil for hair means goodbye split ends.

5. Castor Oil Thickens Hair

Castor oil enters the hair shaft’s outer layer and then contributes regrowth, thus making the hair stronger and thicker. It also reduces the damage that causes hair to fall.

Shop  for your castor oil in Cameroon now

6. Castor Oil’s A Natural Hair Conditioner

When castor oil enters the hair’s outer layer and repairs the damaged part of keratin, it will make the hair smooth by bringing back its cuticles. It also moisturizes the shafts which make it looks good. Castor oil hair growth will surely make the hair a beautiful-looking one.

7. Castor Oil Can Darken Hair
By using castor oil daily, you’ll have naturally darker hair. Its humectant effect will allow your hair to retain moisture thus increasing its dark color.
8. Castor Oil Prevents Hair Damage

The castor oil’s fatty acids will form a protective or shielding layer in your hair, protecting it from damage caused by sun rays and losing of color. It restores hair’s natural oils and guards your scalp against damage caused by hair products chemicals. In today’s environment, having castor oil hair is a smart idea.

9. Castor Oil Makes Your Hair Shiny

As previously mentioned, the fatty acids found in castor oil will form a protective or shielding layer in your hair shaft. It will give and radiate more light and helps your hair to become shinier and smoother. Castor oil for hair regrowth would be a perfect way to make your hair more attractive.

Shop  for your castor oil in Cameroon now

Aside from the above-mentioned hair benefits, castor oil is also good for treating some skin and health problems.

skin glow castor oil

B.  Castor Oil Skin Benefits

  • It helps in healing skin inflammation, sunburns, dryness, and itchiness of the skin.
  • When castor oil enters the skin’s epidermal layer, it stimulates elastin and collagen production which helps soften, moisturize, and hydrate the skin.
  • Its ricinoleic acid will fight acne-causing bacteria and will make your skin soft, smooth, and free from blemishes.
  • Fatty acid in castor oil is highly concentrated that enters and clears the tissues of scars. It will also help the fading or eliminates the blemishes quickly. By using castor oil on a regular basis, it will surely give you a fair skin tone.
  • It also helps kill ringworms since it contains undecylic acid

C. Health Benefits

  • It has antimicrobial elements that are good for some minor scratches and cuts.
  • The castor oil’s ricinoleic acid brings laxation, so it can also relieve constipation.
  • It has anti-inflammatory elements that help relieve pains in joints, nerve inflammation, and sore muscles.
  • It also increases the amount of T-11 cells in the human body which fight against toxins and pathogens and boosts the defensive mechanism of the human body.

Types of Castor Oil

The three different types of castor oil used to treat hair are Jamaican black castor oil, hydrogenated castor oil, and organic castor oil. Originally, castor seed came from Africa, but because of the slave training years ago, castor seeds made its way to another country like Jamaica.

  •  Black Castor Oil 

It is initially cooked and pressed for oil, and the roasted castor seed’s ashes are added to the oil which makes it black. Seeing people who have a healthy scalp and straight hair is like seeing the result that you can get from castor oil which is very effective in cleansing.

  • Organic/Cold Pressed Castor Oil

Its color is pale yellow which was naturally extracted from castor seed without heating it since using the cold pressing process ensures that the nutrients content of the seed won’t be eliminated. It also utilizes a mechanical and chemical-free method known as expeller pressing. If your hair is curly and dry and you have an itchy scalp, it is highly recommended to use the raw, hexane-free organic castor oil since it is less alkaline than the JBCO.

  • Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Castor Wax)

With the aid of a nickel catalyst, castor wax is created by the hydrogenation of pure castor oil.   It differs from other types of castor oil because it is odorless, brittle and insoluble in water. Castor wax is mostly used in cosmetics, polishes, and varnishes.

Both organic castor oil and JBCO have almost the same nutritional value. JBCO has a higher level of alkalinity than organic castor oil which can help in opening the cuticles.

Shop  for your castor oil in Cameroon now


How to use this amazing oil to fight hair loss

You will need ½ cup of castor oil in this procedure.

Just like putting or applying regular oil in your hair, just simply put some castor oil in your palm and place it into your hair starting from the very root unto the tips and massage it very well.

  • Just make sure that you will not use too much because it is difficult to wash due to its thicker density.
  • Leave the oil for at least 15 to 20 minutes or leave it overnight.
  • It is difficult to wash it, so you need some shampoo and wash it several times to make sure that all oils are washed out. Putting some conditioner in your hair 30 minutes prior to taking a shower will make the oil easily wash out.
  • Once you’re done washing your hair, dry it using a clean towel and do not use any heating styling tools.

It is used as a treatment for hair regrowth

Castor oil is a very well-known ingredient to fight hair loss and improves hair growth even though its smell is not an appealing one. But, you can mix it with some other oils to make a new hair oil solution that you like.

With this example, four oils will be combined — sweet almond, virgin coconut, sesame, and castor. You will need the following:

  • 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil
  • 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon of castor oil


  1. Combine these four oils by mixing them, put the mixture on your scalp, and gently massage it from the very roots of your hair unto the tips. You can also warm the oil so that it will penetrate quickly.
  2. Leave it for at least 1 hour, but if you want to have a better result, you can also leave it the whole night.
  3. Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse it well.

This combination of four oils is very effective to improve hair growth. If you still have much amount of combined oils left, you can simply store it for future use. Just make sure to add a capsule of vitamin E to delay its expiration.

How Often Should You Use Castor Oil on Your Hair?

It really depends on every individual if how much or fast the result they wanted to have. It also varies to the hair type of the person because castor oil works on every hair type differently.

If you want to treat hair loss, it is recommended to use the oil for at least 2 times a week. But, for those who wanted to have a better result, make it double or do it 4 times a week.

For those who wanted to use castor oil to shine their hair, you can use it on a weekly basis.

If you want to treat split ends, use castor oil for at least 2 to 3 times a week. For the full performance of the castor oil, leave it overnight.

Shop  for your castor oil in Cameroon now

retain length

How to Easily Remove This Oil from Hair?

These are the steps to easily remove the castor oil from any hair after applying it.

  • Wash your hair and scalp with lukewarm water. It will open and enable the pores of your scalp to easily release dirt that was stored.
  • Mix some shampoo with a little water in your palm and make some bubbles in your hands by gently rubbing it. This is to prevent the breakage of your hair caused by friction.
  • Apply it to your hair and scalp and gently massage it to help the shampoo penetrates into your hair.
  • Rinse it well and use lukewarm water again to make sure that any shampoo leftover will be washed out.
  • Massage your hair with leave-in-conditioner and keep it for at least three minutes or longer.
  • Gently dry your hair with a clean towel
  • Comb your hair gently using preferably a wooden comb or any good quality comb.

Where To Buy Castor Oil in Cameroon?

Get your castor oil from the GLB SHOP

Final Thought

By using castor oil for hair growth, it’s now easy to have smooth, thick, strong, and healthy hair. Castor oil is a great solution for those who have hair or skin problems. Thanks to castor oil, many people will get back their healthy, young-looking hair, and regain their confidence once again.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_raw_js]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[/vc_raw_js][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

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